sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

Why ?

Why do not you look at me?
Why do your eyes turn away from mine.
Why you can never understand how I feel about you?
Why when we are together is the feeling that matters least?
Why do not you miss me the same way I feel about yours?
Because when you're with me, my presence is only a physical need?
Why is that I always have to look for you?
Why is it always my "Good morning" that gets you first, and I never yours?
You know, today I discovered that I am much more than you believe me to be.
Never again will I need to be looked at without being seen without being admired, desired.
I realized that my feeling is much more important to me,
What will never be for you.

I have found that most will not need to beg or wait for their company.
Because I found that love without being loved is the worst feeling in the world.
And I am very particular that deserve to be loved, admired, desired ...
I am affectionate and romantic too much to wait for the crumbs of love that you give me.
I found that all this time, I just loved ...
And you'll never have to cry miss you ...
For today I thought I was happy at his side, with little attention
you gave me, was enough to be with you ...
But you know today I realized that it was not me losing ...
But yes you, who has been with me this whole time and did not know me ...
Never realized how much I'm special ...
I never appreciated nor could discover how much I loved you.
I'm not sad to discover all this, because actually I did not miss anything.
Just found myself ..
And what a shame ... when I found myself ...
You lost me ...

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